Certainly! At Great Heights Primary and Nursery School, we are committed to providing comprehensive Christian education that respects and embraces the diversity with Christianity. Our Christian teaching program encompasses the teachings, beliefs and practices of various dominations including Protestants, Catholics, Seventh-day Adventists and Born-again Christians. Our goal is to offer a Holistic approach to Christian education that caters to the unique perspectives of each domination while promoting unity, understanding and mutual respect among students.

Key elements of our Christian teaching program:

1.Biblical studies: Our curriculum emphasizes the study of the Bible, covering both the old and new Testaments. Students learn about significant  biblical stories, teachings and lessons that are fundamental to Christianity.

2.Denominational Perspectives: We recognize diverse beliefs and practices among different Christian denominations. Our program incorporates teaching specific touch denomination allowing students to understand and appreciate various theological view points.

3.Worship and Rituals: Students have the opportunity to learn about the distinctive worship practices, sacraments and rituals observed within different Christian denominations, fostering and understanding of the significance behind these practices.

4.Christian History and Traditions: Our curriculum includes the study of Christian history exploring the origins of different dominations, key historical events, influential figures and the evolution of Christian traditions over time.

5.Ethical and Moral values: We emphasize the importance of ethical and moral values rooted in Christian teaching such as love, compassion, forgiveness, integrity and social responsibility.

Teaching Approach:

Our experience and knowledgeable Christian studies instructors employ interactive teaching methods, discussions, storytelling and multimedia resources to engage students in meaningful learning experiences. We encourage critical thinking and open dialogue to explore and appreciate the diversity of Christian beliefs and practices.


At Great Heights Primary and Nursery School, our Christian teaching program aims to provide a well-rounded religious education that honors the rich diversity of Christian beliefs and practices, fostering a spirit of unity, respect and understanding among our students. If you have any further inquiries about our Christian studies curriculum or wish to learn more, please feel free to contact us at [contact information]. we warmly invite you to join our diverse and inclusive educational community.